Giant Himalayan Lily
By Shirjon
United Kingdom
I had one of these as a present 2 years ago and this I got the lillies what a sight amazing now I am left with these seed pods can I plant them when and will they eventually produce a plant? also what should I do with this plant it has a 15foot stalk and I grew it in a pot but of course it has finished now and the seed head fell off today will the plant come back next year and how do I overwinter it? for the last two years I have just left it in the pot but I notice the bottom of the stem there are a lot of roots showing is this ok? look forward to hearing from you sorry I dont have a photo
On plant
Cardicrinum giganticum
21 Nov, 2008
What size pot did you grow that monster in? Usually it needs to grow in good garden soil and is quite a feeder.
I would empty the soil as it probably is exhausted and replant only the three biggest bulbs in the pot. Put the others in growing pots and TRADE!
OOPS -- I didn't catch Andrewr final line. He is entirely correct leave it alone and let it sort of dry up a bit. He too suggests new soil.
This is a great plant. If you want to share (trade)seeds let this forum know. Hint even this over the pound member would be interested. I have squirreled away most of my seeds into pots for next year, but as I grow over 600 different plants, before even getting into my cactus, sedum, semp and Jovibara I would have much to share next year.
Or, why don't you list them on your eBay. Do a check on the plant name and see what they are going for. Earn a few bucks for more pots. Woops, in the U.S. eBay I found only two listings for (seed only-no bulbs) 50 for 6.99. So you aren't going to buy many pots. :-) The real bulbs might go for something, so give it a try!
Sequim, WA. USA
22 Nov, 2008
We actually bought 100 seeds on eBay for £3 Shirion. Someone else is selling 20 for £2.50 but I reckoned I could give some to my neighbours if I got the 100, we do this sort of thing regularly in my area. I will get something else back when my neighbours have spare seeds or cuttings. Can you do some sort of swapping? If you decide to plant some of the seed yourself, remember that a few weeks of cold stratification helps germination, then if successful, as Andrew says, some years to flower.
22 Nov, 2008
will the seeds off my Lily grow when they fall off
7 Jul, 2009
I have just bought a house and am lucky enough to have several of these magfnificent plants in the garden. The stalks have all dried following the end of winter. Do these grow again and should i remove them before they do or do they just perish by themselves. It is a well established garden so i don't know how old they are but i must have over 20 stumps from last years growth Some with stalks and some without. When would i plant the seeds if i wanted more of them?
25 Sep, 2009
Previous question
Cardiocrinum is a spectacular plant in flower but it requires a lot of energy from the bulb to produce it. The original bulb dies but small offsets form around it and can be grown on but will probably take three to four years to be large enough to flower. Bulbs from seed take about seven years to reach flowering size.
I suggest leaving the pot intact for now (put it in a sheltered corner) but tip the contents out early next spring, plant up any offsets you find (one per pot) and grow them on to flowering size again
21 Nov, 2008