By Lisajane
United Kingdom
i live in a basement flat in town centre on busy corner of xroads.have minute yard north facing so shaded most of day.steep stone steps to my door are all adorned with various pots of herbs,plants etc,space limited...all hemmed in with 3huge old stone walls painted white,but riddled with holes in mortar,a few sad daisies and purple rock weed have set up home in one or two.what seeds or cuttings would thrive in this very tall,sheltered therefore v.dry place,wish for colour and all year foliage as currently feels a bit like i joined french f..legion,living in a stone n concrete box,also recently disabled so cant access v high,any seeds i can throw at walls n pray some stay,ha ha!????
10 Jun, 2011
thankyou for the advice,i shall attempt to look now,only been online for few days and i am sooo sloooow!
10 Jun, 2011
Try typing in Kensington and going to the second entry down Lisajane and browse the website listed. It is a tiny city garden. Not so small as yours, but gives inspiration and ideas about small space shaded gardens. It can be daunting looking at these fabulous spaces done by creative people but worth a web visit.
10 Jun, 2011