United Kingdom
What plants are suitable for deepest shade in hedge bottom? There is just some Herb Robert and I think some Glechoma of a sort growing here presently, beneath Photinia. This tells me that some things can thrive there. Does anyone have any suggestions as to what else will? (Might Vinca Argenteovariegata)? It is naturally very dry here of course, but I can irrigate with hose. Much appreciated.

10 Jun, 2011
You are right Dorjac, that is a heuchera and is thriving well. I forgot to mention, the only way I can access this hedge bottom is by crawling under rose bushes. Yet I am keen to grow something even here. Cyclamen is a nice idea, but might be just a little too diminutive. I have found Coum are excellent in pots for patios in winter.
10 Jun, 2011
I have a variety of macrorrhizum geraniums growing under mine and they all do well.
Got loads of them so if you want any cuttings just let me know in a Private Message
10 Jun, 2011
Hi Inverglen, I have just been and investigated on the Crocus website. There is a Balkans variety and a Bevins variety of macrorrhizum Geranium, and both are 50 cm tall x 60 cm tall. It recommends only the latter for full shade. I just wonder whether it might be a bit too tall for the base of Photinia? It may possibly work. I'd have to try it and see I suppose. Thank you for the idea, I will carry on thinking on it.
10 Jun, 2011
There are two lower growing macrorrhizum ones called Geranium macrorrhizum Cantabriegnese, a mauve flowered one called Cambridge and a very pale pink-white flowered one called Biokovo. Out in the open mine grow up to about a foot tall but under and beside my photinia they stay lower but the good thing is they cover the ground and keep the weeds down and are evergreen too. Aromatic leaves too.
10 Jun, 2011
Those really do sound ideal Inverglen. But where to obtain from? Would you know?
10 Jun, 2011
From me. I will send you a few free cuttings if you wish. Leave me a Private Message for more details.
10 Jun, 2011
I have just realised that I have G. Macrorrhizum a pinky coloured one that a friend gave me years ago. It has sap green leaves which are a lovely shape. It is aromatic when handled.....first time I know that! It does not care what you do to it. Easy to pull out, so not too invasive. I'm going to try it under my shrubs too. I wonder if it will like Hazel and Magnolia leaves on top of it in the autumn? Worth a try. Never tried anything else, that's why the leaves go there as a mulch.
10 Jun, 2011
Oh, yes please, Inverglen. That really is ever so kind. Private message on its way. Best of luck to you with your under shrub places Dorjac.
10 Jun, 2011
I think I see some Heucheras but they like only so much shade. Cyclamen Coum are pretty good under trees where it is a bit dry. Once established they have lovely marbled leaves for some time. The tiny flowers are very pretty. If they like it there they will spread themselves a bit. They make marble sized seed cases, that dry up on a springy stem and fly a short distance from the mother plant. Buy in corm form or active in the pot.....but make sure they are labelled coum and not small anonymous plants. Try a packet of corms....not too dear.
10 Jun, 2011