when do you prune Mahonia japonica?
By Nic76
United Kingdom
I want to know the best time of year to prune a Mahonica Japonica.
On plant
Mahonia japonica
23 Nov, 2008
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oregon grape
Too late to prune now although it wont harm the plant. Its very tough. Best after flowering. Rod
23 Nov, 2008
To get the best of both worlds, I would prune it just as the flowers are fading next spring. Mahonias are tough plants so you won't harm it. Cut to immediately above a leaf joint (or even cut branches out completely if you need to reduce the spread). I did this to mine about three years ago and it carried on as if nothing had hapened.
23 Nov, 2008
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Mahonia japonica like all shrubs after the flowering April May if you cut now you won't get flowers
23 Nov, 2008