By Gilbert
United Kingdom
About 5 years ago I planted a euphorbia which obviously dies back each autumn but by June it reaches about 5ft in height and 5 ft in width. I took a stem with leaf and flower to a garden centre where I was told that it was a euphorbia polychroma but I understand that they only grow to about 20" in height. Have you any idea what kind of euphorbia this might be as I would like to repeat it? Many thanks.
10 Jun, 2011
It sounds more like euphorbia characias
10 Jun, 2011
Polychroma has shorter, broader leaves than a characias, but that may just mean that the nurseryman was more mistaken.
11 Jun, 2011
How about Euphorbia palustris? Looks like polychroma but reaches five foot.
11 Jun, 2011
I have photos of this species at Wallington Hall in Northumberland. Spectacular hardy perennial much underused!
The trouble is, people panic when they realise it gets tall.
11 Jun, 2011
Hi Gilbert and welcome to GoY. We need a photo to give an i.d. on your euphorbia, or, preferably, a close up and and photo of the whole plant.
10 Jun, 2011