United Kingdom
i have inherited 2 old apple trees one of which has white fluffy stuff on the branches and some of the trunk and the leaves have now developed brown spots on them.i sprayed them at the end of last season and at the beginning of this season and washed the white off with a hose jet but it has retuned what more can i do?
11 Jun, 2011
ps. If the tree continues to be effected, why not use it as a support for a nice climber?
11 Jun, 2011
Agree with Fractal. Apple trees can be so annoying with all their troubles. I am growing a clematis up one tree that will not perform. Good show of flowers early on, but not sure about the clematis now!
11 Jun, 2011
thanks to Fractal and Dorjac for their replies to my question they have been very helpful.
11 Jun, 2011
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It sounds like woolly aphid which usually attacks the swigs and branches often causing them to form raised or swollen parts. Some varieties are just more susceptible unfortunately. You could try spraying with insecticide but if the tree is large this will not be very practicable.
The brown spots on foliage are more than likely a leaf fungus called scab. The recent dry spring makes the tree more susceptible and is exacerbated by following wetter weather. Just bad luck this year!
11 Jun, 2011