west lothian-Scotland,
Could anyone tell me the name of this please.
this is the first year that it has flowered like this and I have lost the label !!

11 Jun, 2011
It's a sempervivum, Helen, but I wouldn't want to guess the species or variety.
11 Jun, 2011
it is ScotKat,
it was sunny this morning but now it is dull and wet :o(
11 Jun, 2011
thanks Bulbaholic. Do they usually flower like this?
11 Jun, 2011
Hi Helen yes that is how sempervivums flower - amazing! The rosette that the flower came from will die but the rest will keep going.
11 Jun, 2011
This is how they flower, Helen. After flowering the rosettes that the flowers are on will die but more rosettes will grow. We find the flowers interesting but tend to grow them as foliage plants.
It rained heavily here for most of the morning (forcast was for sun) and it is now cold and grey :-((
11 Jun, 2011
thanks for the info MG and Bulba. Forecast looks better for tomorrow ,fingers crossed.
11 Jun, 2011
Looks like close kin to Sempervivum arachnoideum.
11 Jun, 2011
when the flowers die back should i remove them or leave them to drop by themselves. They have flowered brilliantly for weeks but are starting to look a bit untidy now thanks
12 Jul, 2011
We have a pink one,very similar to this, called Sempervivum stansfieldii. Sempervivums are monocarpic so that after a rosett flowers it will die. Let the flower die back untill it is obviously dead and the pull the rosett out. This will leave a hole in the cushion but new rosetts will form to fill this hole.
12 Jul, 2011
thanks Bulba .I'll do that
14 Jul, 2011
Hi again Helen I am sure I have this but no blooms on mine and no tag either.:(
Is it wet with you to its heavy rain.
11 Jun, 2011