By Izzy123gym
West Midlands,
United Kingdom
Houttunyia cordata 'Chameleon'....
I've always loved the foliage on this plant and I bought one today on the spur of the moment....
(no planting instructions incidentally)....THEN realised, when I got home,that it needs to grow in 'a moist, boggy area preferably'.
I do not have a pond in this garden so am wondering WHERE to plant it in this garden as there are no wettish areas! Obviously I will have to keep it moist...but wondered what other people's experiences are of this plant.
Any advice will be greatly received!
11 Jun, 2011
Not only does it prefer a moist soil, it runs like mad!
If you have a wide but shallow pot, it will grow quite happily in that, especially if the pot is stood in a saucer which always has water in it to keep the compost moist
11 Jun, 2011
Have just been reading up on it, Andrew. I quite like the idea of its running wild! I adore the tricolour effect of the foliage. I've read that it is much less invasive in drier conditions...but I do see the advantages of growing it in a pot too, especially on one of the patios where it can readily be seen!
11 Jun, 2011
I have answered on the other one Izzy.
11 Jun, 2011
Ooops! Sorry...was correcting a mis-spelling in the title...and hit 'Return' so posting twice!
11 Jun, 2011