By Mozart
United Kingdom
Please could you advise me which trees are best for planting in shaded areas?
Many thanks
Regards Margaret
13 Jun, 2011
Holly grows wild in the shade of bigger trees and there are lots of varieties to choose from. You need a male and a female if you want berries. Acers also prefer dappled shade.
13 Jun, 2011
Some Spruces (Picea species), Firs (Abies species), and Douglas Fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) also start life in the shade, and grow through the deciduous canopy, but they are very slow under these conditions.
14 Jun, 2011
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I'm slightly confused by your question - first, I wonder what the shade is caused by, given that the biggest source of shade is, in fact, trees, and second, how big do you want your trees to get?
13 Jun, 2011