By Spjs
United Kingdom
I have recived some seeds a while ago, they have since germinated and grown well. Although they have grown well I do not know what they are. Please help. Thank you.

14 Jun, 2011
Not an Alyogyne, but possibly a Nicandra?
15 Jun, 2011
Definately a Nicandra physalodes, the shoo fly plant. Grown as an anuual here, I had grown some from seed several years ago. and the one in a large pot outside my door, set seed, which all came up this year. even after the temps dropped away to -18.
15 Jun, 2011
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Hi Sp...
I think this might be Alyogyne...
I have inherited two in my lifetime...they are (here) medium sized (1-2m all round) shrubs with leaves a bit figlike...and lovely, quite large starry mauve flowers...quite beautiful...
14 Jun, 2011