By Miriamjohn
United Kingdom
i have grown secind early potatoes.i have plenty of foliage but no flowers con someone help
14 Jun, 2011
Can I threadbutt, Miriamjohn and MG?
My 'earlies' are now in flower/or long do you think it will be before I harvest them? Will the foliage now start to die back...and is that my cue for harvesting?
14 Jun, 2011
Use the 12 week rule of thumb to check Izzy, if you are growing in a container then gently work your hand down to see if you can feel any reasonable size potatoes.
16 Jun, 2011
12 weeks are up now so I will check them today...if it stops raining long enough to go out there!
Thanks MG.
18 Jun, 2011
Good luck Izzy, we wont be lifting tatties for a while yet.
18 Jun, 2011
Previous question
Some varieties of potato take longer to flower than others. If you planted them 12 weeks ago then they 'should' be ready to harvest.
14 Jun, 2011