By Angela_allen
How do I get rid of unwanted bamboo?
14 Jun, 2011
yes karen is right elbow grease and some nice robust tools and a robust human . the longer you leave it the bigger the problem and quickly too .its the second quickest growing plant on the planet with some types growing 14" a day . bull kelp is the only plant that grows quicker .
15 Jun, 2011
Poor Bamboo - what would we do without her, lol?
15 Jun, 2011
ow i love bamboo and have some but mine is contained lol .
16 Jun, 2011
Previous question
Hi Angela,
It's a big problem in this area...and is discussed often! How huge is your 'clump'?
Round here, regular brush strimming seems to be the favoured does control, but not eradicate.
Other than that, you might need to get a man and a minipelle in...
...good luck!
14 Jun, 2011