By Johngannon
United Kingdom
my clamatas is blind why?
14 Jun, 2011
Sorry, don't want to appear gauche...but what is a 'blind' clematis...????... appreciated....K :)
14 Jun, 2011
The term 'blind' in a horticultural context means without flowers when you'd normally expect them.
14 Jun, 2011
Ooh! the 'blind' refers to the viewer then, I suppose,...since you can't see anything that you should...
...makes sense then :)
Thanx again, Bamboo!
14 Jun, 2011
Has it flowered in previous years? Some don't flower until late summer.
15 Jun, 2011
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Which variety of clematis and have you pruned it - if so, when did you do it?
14 Jun, 2011