By Weatherwise
United Kingdom
Accidentally pinched out top of tomato.
It seems I have gone side shoot removing crazy and accidentally taken out the growing tip of a couple of my tomato plants - they are now about 3 feet tall. Will I be able to train one of the developing side shoots instead to replace the accidentally pinched out growing tip? I'm guessing Yes, but would be good to have some assurances. Thanks in advance.
15 Jun, 2011
Thanks Gilli. Glad I'm not the only one, will try not to do the gardening after a glass or two of wine in the future :)
15 Jun, 2011
LOL....Ah!! Now all is explained....Hee hee!
15 Jun, 2011
Hi there weatherwise,
I've done the same think many a time, but like gilli says, you can tie in a side shoot and that will keep growing and producing fruit.
Happy gardening.
16 Jun, 2011
Thanks for the reply. Lucky I have one or two sideshoots left :)
16 Jun, 2011
Hi Weatherwise, I've done the same thing many times. Sometimes it's hard to tell what is a sucker and what is the growing tip. Don't worry. Train one of the suckers as the growing tip and all will be well. Just make sure you give the new top plenty of support as it won't be quite as strong to hold up the fruit.
15 Jun, 2011