By Ginellie
United Kingdom
Today I have been digging more borders,each side of my new fence (which is open, so more like a large trellis I guess). There are a few things which I can see are in the wrong place and I wonder if now is a good time to move them.
One has a very faded tag on it which I think says Cherry Bird. Another,I think, is a Blackthorn - it had small black fruits about the size of grapes in the summer. Then there is a Cotoneaster (something beginning with f after that).I think they would do better with a bit of space around them and was wondering whether to put them in the new borders or in the middle of the lawn. Any advice most welcome, I am a beginner as you know.
1 Dec, 2008
Hi Ginellie, John has just got in before me.
I agree with what he is saying.
All the shrubs you are talking about are hardy and will move now.
There is Cotoneaster Frigious, red fruit.
Franchettii, Orange berries
Blackthorn, Fruit sloes.
I would say all of these would be best against the fence.
1 Dec, 2008
Thank you both, moving them tomorrow then.
I was given my friend's old digital camera at the weekend but although I seem to take the phogographs ok I haven't yet figured out how to get them onto the computer. When I do I shall post some recent pictures of works in progress.
1 Dec, 2008
Hi Ginellie.
Your Cherry Bird is an ornamental cherry with lovely white blossom in spring. It is also called Bird cherry because it then produces little black fruits that birds love, but humans don't, so it is great for attracting birds.
Your Blackthorn had black fruits in late summer I take it. It should be a sloe. Whilst I like a drink I am not a great drinker and I must say that sloe gin, on a cold winter's day, after a walk with the dog is one of the finest. I wouldn't move that to the middle because they do have thorns. But certainly worth keeping.
Cotoneaster is also a great shrub. The 'f' is probably 'franch' or 'frank'. It should be against a wall or strong fence so consider leaving that.
If you want to move them now is a good time whilst they are dormant.
1 Dec, 2008