By New2me
United States
I wanted to plant a cherry blossom tree in our front yard. I think they're just beautiful and love the meaning behind them. Someone at a gardening store suggested a Prunus lusitanica Standard for our 94080 zip code. However the leaves are quite different than what I've seen on the cherry blossom trees I've looked up online. Is this really a cherry blossom? Thanks for reading!
15 Jun, 2011
According to the net it's certainly a Portuguese laurel.
15 Jun, 2011
Nice evergreen shrub, but a lousy flowering tree. In the San Francisco area where you are, I would go the the public library, and check out the Sunset Western Garden Book, look at the maps inside to see what zone you are in--I think it is 17, but I may be wrong--and then look up Prunus in the encyclopedia section, and check the "Flowering Cherries" chart to get a handle on which one(s) that you might want. Another possibility to check is the Flowering Peaches, since they are a little better adapted to warm, dry summers.
15 Jun, 2011
Thanks to all the responses. Looks like I'll have to do a bit more research. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction!
20 Jun, 2011
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« Should I prune azaleas after the flowers have died down and how? Sally
No, don't think it is a cherry, think it's a portuguese laurel, sorry can't help more, as I don't know the growing conditions in USA, to suggest cherry blossom trees, have just planted an Amanogawa [narrow, upright,
good if you are pushed for space] and a Kanzan [a spreading habit] both trees will eventually be about 25/30 feet.Lovely deep pink blossom on the Kanzan and pale pink on the Amanogawa. Good luck!
15 Jun, 2011