By Nickybs
United Kingdom
Hi everyone,
I have 3 Orange Sherbert melon plants, about 3 inches high and about 6 cape gooseberry plants of about the same maturity which are going spare (somewhat overzealous on the planting!!) If anyone in my area, Milton Keynes, would like some let me know. The melons are apparently the best suited to fruiting in our climate and should be kept in an unheated greenhouse, whilst the cape gooseberries can be grown on outside in a pot in a sheltered sunny position.
On plant
Orange sherbert melon and cape gooseberry
16 Jun, 2011
Thanks - I'll try my daughter's school as well as they have a very productive veg programme and unusual things are often welcome as a way of introducing the children to different foods. Turns out, after potting on this morning I have 18 (!) cape gooseberry plants not 6!!!!!!
16 Jun, 2011
thats great.
16 Jun, 2011
Thanks so much for the 'Freecycle' tip......they went like hot cakes! I've never had so many emails outside of my spam folder!!!!!
18 Jun, 2011
Yes thats what I find Nicky and they are always so pleased. Teachers of art classes sometimes ask for a specific something for a class to draw. One wanted old coloured glass and I had some old coloured bottles.
18 Jun, 2011
High Nicky and welcome to Goy. That sounds good. If you dont get any takers? Have you tried offering them on your local 'Free cycle' that's where I offer any spare plants and they always go.
16 Jun, 2011