My next door neighbour had several bee hives when my children were small. The only thing that got stung was a friend's puppy - when a bee got stuck in his tail!
My stepdaughter now has a bee hive in her garden and also has a 'nearly' five year old. Her mother is an avid bee keeper and also has her grandchildren to stay often...
I think you've just got to teach the children to respect the bees and the hives and the bees will just busily get on with their jobs :)
Hi Harris,
My next door neighbour had several bee hives when my children were small. The only thing that got stung was a friend's puppy - when a bee got stuck in his tail!
My stepdaughter now has a bee hive in her garden and also has a 'nearly' five year old. Her mother is an avid bee keeper and also has her grandchildren to stay often...
I think you've just got to teach the children to respect the bees and the hives and the bees will just busily get on with their jobs :)
16 Jun, 2011