By Pamby
United Kingdom
Can i divide peonies? If so has anyone any guidelines please?
17 Jun, 2011
Just make sure you don't bury the divisions too deep though, otherwise they will never flower.
18 Jun, 2011
You can in the autumn as the leaves die back, - they make stronger roots in autumn and winter. Make sure the new home is well prepared with organic matter though I dont add fertilizer till the next spring. Dig around/under the existing plant very carefully so as not to damage it. Plant in full sun, I find its best done in dry conditions and I remove any debri before replanting, I only select between 3-5 eyes as I find any bigger and they dont seem to do so well. I put the eyes no deeper then 2-3" and water in then I very gently apply a thin mulch for the winter. I would not expect to have flowers for about 3 years.
18 Jun, 2011
Thank you very much for your advice.
18 Jun, 2011
yes I think they are tubers, you might find that they will not flower for a year or 2 though
17 Jun, 2011