By Stuartterry
I want to plant a climber against a wall but, due to over hanging trees the spot hardly gets any water, can you suggest anything suitable?
- 18 Jun, 2011
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Lonicera periclymenum.
It's a tough and hardy climber (not self clinging) and will put up with impoverished soils.
You'll have to supply the area with a degree of water or no living plant WILL live there, a weekly soaking will be needed for the first 5 or 6 months of it's life and after that it'll have settled in a bit more and maybe require less.
Planting it now, at the warmest time of year, means you'll have to get the hosepipe out on it, every week without fail, planting in winter/early spring means less watering as less heat evaporation.
18 Jun, 2011