By Pamby
United Kingdom
Two gardening magazines say this is the time to prune apple trees. I know they are the July editions, but surely you wouldn't prune the trees before harvesting the apples?
The apples on my two small trees will definitely not be ready for picking by then.
18 Jun, 2011
Bulba and I have been pruning the wee apple tree on our neighbour's garden where we grow the veggies. It had decided to put out long whippy branches s owe pruned back as Dorjac described and where there was no fruit removed completely. Poor wee tree has been neglected for years and we even had to remove a tie that was starting to cut into the trunk... no sign of the support I might add.
18 Jun, 2011
Thank you Moon-grower and Dorjak. I have made a note in my diary to remind me.
18 Jun, 2011
Hi Pambi. Small apple trees are usually pruned in late July/August. Maybe for an early ripening Apple, such as Discovery, you might prune fruit bearing spurs about 3 leaf axils ABOVE the fruit about now. This is called summer pruning to control the length of new shoots. Save the rest for later. You can winter prune Feb/March, before anything stirs, to shape and try and keep control. Apples have a mind of their own for us amateurs though.
18 Jun, 2011