By Junelalani
United Kingdom
my cordiline was killed of last winter however I kept the plant and now two shoots have appeared. How do I detach these from the main stem to make cuttings?
19 Jun, 2011
Agree with above. Cordylines are very difficult to root as cuttings. Just let them grow on.
19 Jun, 2011
Previous question
« planted some bulbs in pots in garden and only leaves grew no flowers?
The best thing to do may be to cut the trunk off at an angle (to shed rain so it's less likely to rot), if you haven't done this already, and allow the shoots to grow where they are. You could keep just one so that the plant regrows with a single trunk if that's what you want.
If the shoots are coming from ground level or lower you may be able to get one or more of them cut off the original plant with some roots attached. Pot it up and grow it on. Without roots, it won't grow, so cutting it off if it's above ground level won't work.
You may well find that more shoots are produced in the next few weeks.
19 Jun, 2011