Can you identify this plant?
By Bryan17
United Kingdom
We have had this plant for probably 20 years. It came from my mother who called it an aspidistra. It has suddenly flowered for the first time in all these years. They are orchid-like flowers, 7cm across the outer petals. They are a greeny-yellow with dark red spots and cap. The petals also have a reddish blush.The height of the flower stem is 53cm. The leaves are evergreen and leathery (tough). I have a close-up of the flowers if needed. Thanks.

7 Dec, 2008
Looks like a lovely Orchid to me
8 Dec, 2008
I will have to check my Orchid book but I think I know the family at least I will get back to you. Failing that I will go back to the orchid grower I once worked for.
Have you ever re-planted it?
9 Dec, 2008
Cymbidium Orchid, 100% certain. fairly easy to grow, well as far as orchids go, this one is regarded as the 'beginers orchid' ideally suited to an conservetory, although they can be grown in the house, they usually flower once every year to 18months, so i would imagine you have'nt cold shocked it at all? and for some reason, maybe moved position? it has given you this lovely display this year. you need to keep it well away from central heating, the can handle cold but don't like drafts, and be careful not to over water, ideally water with rain water, defused light is best, feed while in flower, but once flowers finish stop feeding it will need a resting period. you will need to give it the cold shock to bring it into flower for next year, what i usually do, is once flowering has finished and the danger of frost has past in late May time (if in the UK of course) if not just late spring, put it outside for a few months, and then bring it back into the house before frosts start in autumn. its a fine line because it will not tollerate frost but it needs the cold temp at night to go back into flower for you. hope this helps, they are truely beautiful plants,
and something else i forgot, they like humidity, so misting the leaves regually will also help.
9 Dec, 2008
I dont think this is an aspidistra, my Grandmother had them they were darker wider more errect leaves, this looks very much of the orchid family, try looking up Ascocenda and Vanda tricolour, curved linear leaves 45 cm. pale yellow flowers heavily patterned red/brown and attractively overlaid with a contrasting colour looks very much like yours. Refered to in the Royal Horticultural Soc. A-Z encyclopedia. Hope more of an expert can shine more light on it for you. I find this an excellent book although pricy, I was fortunate to get it on offer, if you have not got it, Christmas is coming!!!!!
7 Dec, 2008