By Piggymum
United Kingdom
we have just got are first allotment and we have renovated the soil now we have took the stones out but there is still roots left what do we do now and when do we start planting
21 Jun, 2011
You have got to get the roots of the weeds/shrubs out or they will re-grow. Too late to start growing veggies this year so work on improving the soil.
21 Jun, 2011
Get some tests done on it to see what it needs, and what the base mix is that you are starting with--sand, silt, clay, loam, etc. And, as everyone says, sift those roots out, for you will really regret it if you don't, especially if they are perennial weeds, such as nettles, brambles, and the like. Every hour of work that you put in on the soil now will save you ten hours of work (or more!) in the years to come.
22 Jun, 2011
Previous question
« Hello I have grown "ARAUJIA SERICIFERA the cruel plant" for around 8 years...
I wouldn't plant anything this year. I'd prepare for next.
A lot depends on your soil, and what you want to grow as to how you prepare it. If it's veg you are growing, your allotment should be split into 3 or 4 sections to allow for crop rotation. Just google that and follow what it says.
And whatever the roots are, keep digging them out.
21 Jun, 2011