By Gwoggsie88
United Kingdom
My whisteria is planted in a large wooden barrel [4 years ]but has never flowered even though I have pruned it as instucted in my gardening books, this year the leaves have started to curl up and go brown on the end 4 ft of the plant , it is situated in a south facing spot ,could you please tell me what I am doing wrong ? I live in Bury , Lancashire, regards graham

22 Jun, 2011
I have bought a Wisteria recently after some reading which suggested that if Wisteria plant is not the grafted type then it will take about 10 years to flower but if it is one of those grafted plant then it will flower after 3 years. I checked the plant near the base if the stem was joined and it was so I hope that 3 years from now I shall have some flowers.
22 Jun, 2011