By Aimankay
United Kingdom
Another question. I have Hydrangeas which flowered last year but before that the tip of the leaves had become black. I had left them last year in the hope that new leaves would not have the same problem but this year they have done the same.
Also, lillies in my garden have a lot of ants. How can I get rid of them
23 Jun, 2011
Thanks Baboo,
What is an aphid infestation. I do have ants but maybe 2-3 per flower. I dont know if its called infestation or not.
23 Jun, 2011
Aphids are blackfly, greenfly so look for those
23 Jun, 2011
No, haven't seen any flies. I just read about them but will check again.
23 Jun, 2011
With your hydrangeas i prefer to leave the old flower heads on untill mid to late april then prune, by doing so it gives the young shoots protection from the frosts.
23 Jun, 2011
Hydrangea leaves do this as a response to frost nipping their new growth early in the year. Check the lillies for aphid infestation if the ants are crawling over them - if present, spray the aphids and the ants will stop climbing them.
23 Jun, 2011