United Kingdom
Hi, I am a novice gardener and being disabled I am only able to grow fruit and veg in pots on my patio. I have grown tomatoes from seed and the largest of the established plants are now growing over a metre high.
What I would like to know is, are tomato plants annual or perenual then I know to rotate the plants that I have.
23 Jun, 2011
Have you tried growing the bush type tomatoes Greenfingers? They're a lot less work than the cordon types and might be easier for you to manage. I grow a couple every year for cherry toms and they're quite prolific fruiters. I think I have a variety called 'Tumbler' this year. Looking great - but still green just now :)
24 Jun, 2011
I have planted some cherry tomato plants which have now established from seed and are ready to be replanted, 24 plants in all.
I have bought some large teracotta pots and will be planting them into the pots soon.
24 Jun, 2011
They can become perennials, but that depends on keeping them from any sort of frost, and keeping them well lit throught the winter. That means a heated greenhouse, usually.
25 Jun, 2011
Annual, bin them at the end of the season, or compost them.
23 Jun, 2011