By Tricia
United Kingdom
14 Dec, 2008
Peter deleted my reply to this question. Too rude, not friendly.
No picture and a confused description. I replied. Go to your local nursery and get some answers. Internet blogs will not help. I commented on Spritz's answer. All too correct.
My own hard love answer was deleted.
If that editing continues. you will loose one damn good nurserymans answers.
Herb Senft
16 Dec, 2008
We do need a bit more info or photo preferably. Well done Peter, not everybody is such a knowall as Skline, there are such people who are just coming into gardening who need encouraging not snapping at.One less member on GOY will not make so much difference and we do have very good nurserymen left.
17 Dec, 2008
Well said Wyeboy,
People who ask a question on here deserve a polite answer, I see no sign of an apology from Skyline for his rudeness particularly to a lady.
We are not on here to make personal gain, we are here to help each other with gardening problems.
I personally never answer questions from abroad unless I am very sure of my ground, it is impossible to know all the growing conditions worldwide.
I enjoy the banter we have when we do make mistakes ourselves.
17 Dec, 2008
I repeat my answer. Some questions like this are better served going back to the nursery it was bought from, or to one that knows plants. Taking Answers from Australia, Pacific Northwest or whatever is not the best way to go.
That Tricia is a lady is wonderful, but my rudeness would be to either gender. More people should work with their local suppliers than trust in internet gurus.
Wyeboy, your answer is rude as well. This "know all" spelled correctly, was on the committee that designed the C.A.N certification program. This would be the beginning of some rather rigorous standards in the nursery industry.of California. Some of my own excellent employees failed that test. Some of them would far exceed my own depth of knowledge.
17 Dec, 2008
Why be rude at all Skyline? you say you don't like to be flagged, but this is clearly the reason that you have been flagged. it is really up to you if you now want to have a tantraum about this, you already know my thoughts on some of your recent comments, i told you privately as a friend, but seemingly you have chosen to ignor my constructive criticism and wonder why you get this response. As in everything you reep what you sow.
17 Dec, 2008
Majeekahead you must be careful with your spelling ,it is REAP, or you will be upbraided by Skyline as I have been !!!!LOL I also notice I left the 'y' out of Skyline, I must be more careful.
18 Dec, 2008
oh dear, gues spelling not my strong point lol
18 Dec, 2008
Henry Higgins is alive and well and living in the US of A lol.
Tricia, you really need to be a bit more specific about your description and it would be beneficial to include a picture. With what you have written, you can't really expect anyone to give you any good advice. We would love to help, but some more information would be great.
18 Dec, 2008
i think she did re-do the question Andrea, and has now got an answer without any rudeness lol - and Andrea, forgive me if being a typical Essex girl, but who is Henry Higgins? lol
18 Dec, 2008
Try Pygmalion or My Fair Lady, Majeekahead. How amazing that a simple question can lead to all this, brilliant I think. So gald we have got rid of Skyline, he would really have taken us to task.
18 Dec, 2008
sorry guys that one is completely lost on me lol
18 Dec, 2008
Could you please give us some more information to go on? Is the tree evergreen, when does it flower, how big are the leaves and what shape, how tall is the tree. Without a photo it's difficult but if you can describe it, we'll have a go!
14 Dec, 2008