Can anyone tell me what a "Petang Court" is? I have friends who live in Spain about to make or construct on. I do not wish to appear stupid when I speak to them next. Brian
By Brimach
United Kingdom
Petang Court
15 Dec, 2008
All I know is that it is a game played in Spain.
15 Dec, 2008
There is a game played in that part of the world called Petanque, is this what is meant? It is like Boules.
15 Dec, 2008
Hi Brian
the game is definitely petanque also called boules and is actually played in France . For further info go to :
hope this helps Mel
15 Dec, 2008
Ive googled it, Theres a hotel in spain that provides a Petang Court for gentle exersise, theres a photo of "tennis raquets" Tennis balls and a low net.. Maybe!!!
15 Dec, 2008
Many thanks for all your replies
15 Dec, 2008
But if its Boules, how can Brimach's friends make or construct those ???
15 Dec, 2008
hi there ! it is petanque, a game we play a lot in my country - France - i built a court in my summer garden in France a few years ago. it is like boules game and the little wooden ball that is part of the set is called 'le cochonnet' which means little piggy ! the court is a stretch of about 20 metres and 3 foot wide, flattened and slightly sanded, great game xx
15 Dec, 2008
The similar game played here in northern Spain is called Bolos and has a serious following, with a Bolos game often being the highlight of village fiestas and games are advertised (like football) in the local newspaper. I'm still trying to work out the rules!!!???!!!
16 Dec, 2008
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I haven't a clue Brimach.. I must be stupid too... I hope someone on Goy knows because im intreaged (sp) now.
15 Dec, 2008