Poinsettia Care
By Skodaman
United Kingdom
Correct way to water and care for the plant in your house
Thank you
16 Dec, 2008
I sit mine in about an inch of water. Letting him dry out in between watering.
To much and you could end up killing him off to much affection.
16 Dec, 2008
They don't like it too hot, either.
16 Dec, 2008
warm water, good light
17 Dec, 2008
Don't buy one with the pollen already scattered. Look in the centres and make sure the 'buds' are tight. They're often displayed by the doorways of shops, but they do not like draughts! They don't like being too hot or too cold. They like alot of light but not blazing sun. They seem to be very fussy. Mine has dropped a couple of leaves already. They don't like overwatering either. The white sap is an irritant, so if you happen to snap a leaf off and get it on your skin, wash it off as soon as possible. Hope that helps.
17 Dec, 2008
16 Dec, 2008