By Scottypippin
United Kingdom
My Silver Birch tree has been deteriorating over the last few weeks, i had been putting it down to dry weather but I noticed today it was covered with Ladybird larvae. Is the larvae eating the tree and if so how do i get rid?
Thanks in advance
25 Jun, 2011
Hi Volunteer,
Thanks for your reply, i thought that may be the case..
We are not too sure as it was here when we moved in. I would take a guess at around 10 years. it is also shaped and trimmed down if that makes any difference.
25 Jun, 2011
What do the leaves look like - I have a birch tree and I'm not too sure that's it's very happy, I'm not sure how long they take to mature?
Welcome to GoY scottypippin
25 Jun, 2011
they are relatively short lived 50 yrs or so. we lost 3 at 52yrs of age, sad but the space has been used for other things :o)
25 Jun, 2011
Ladybird larvae eat aphids, so the tree probably has aphids. Leave the larvae alone to do their job. Give the tree lots of water (these are shallow rooting trees ) and hope that it picks up. How old is the tree?
25 Jun, 2011