Do Hydranger Panticulatas flower well?
By Weedpatch
United Kingdom
I saw a Hydranger Panticulata 'Limelight' this year and thought it was lovely. Reading the label, I think I have the perfect spot but I didn't buy it because I remember that my mother always had a problem in getting hydrangers to flower. It was many years ago and she didn't have a panticulata, but I wondered if anyone had one and knew reliable it was about flowering, or if anyone had any good tips.
20 Dec, 2008
H. paniculata is a different keyttle of fish to H. macrophylla (the one everyone thinks of when Hydrangeas are mentioned.) For a start it flowers on new wood, so the flower buds are not damaged by frost or cold wind as H. macrophylla is. You can prune it right back in February if you want a lower growing shrub or leave it alone for a taller one. Sometimes the weight of the flowers can cause the shrub to flop, but if you prune as suggested this does not happen as much. Limelight is a really nice one, but there are a fair number of others equally pretty. Go for it!
20 Dec, 2008
Thanks. I feel far more confident now. I really fell in love with it when i saw it but would have been very disappointed it never flowered again.
20 Dec, 2008
A really good flowering one is H.p. Annabelle if you cannot find Limelight.
20 Dec, 2008
I'll keep my eyes open. I'm all into flower power.
20 Dec, 2008
If you look at in my pictures Pic 281 that is H.p. Unique. Next to it is H.p. Kyushu. Sadly that one is no longer with us.
20 Dec, 2008
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hello.... I bought one of these years ago and planted it in the far corner of my garden against the fence behind shrubs, below trees so very little light, very dry but it has done well. Of course yours will do better if you have a spot better than mine so give it a "go. Happy Christmas to you and yours....
20 Dec, 2008