Japanese Maple Tree
By Fredfred87
United Kingdom
hallo, Fred mason here.
I have had a Japanese Maple Tree for 5 years plus.
It has some leaf problems at the moment - I have attached some photos, can you help me solve this please,
Many thanks,
Fred mason

25 Jun, 2011
Could be sun/wind scorched, they prefer a shady area and sheltered.
25 Jun, 2011
I would say wind and/or sun scorch and also probably a bit of drought damage. Make sure it gets plenty of water and shelter from the wind. Should be fine next year.
26 Jun, 2011
many thanks for your speedy responses, I half guessed it could be wind related - I will keep hydrating it to keep it looking good.
Fred Mason
26 Jun, 2011
Wind burn... Japanese acers can't cope with a windy situation this is typical wind burn damage.
25 Jun, 2011