I have 2 plants & and; both are being eaten by something
By Rueith
I have 2 plants & both are being eaten by something, the 1st 1 is a Lemon Myrtle, the 2nd is a (Dwarf) Tahitian Lime thanks for the reply,but I have sprayed them both with white oil, Lemon Myrtle (still ok) now all the leaves have dropped off the Tahitian Lime, have I killed it, is there something I can do to save it
26 Jun, 2011
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Can you post pictures of the damage, Rueith? Have you gone out at night with a flashlight, to see if you could catch the culprit? Many leaf eaters work at night. I don't know if you have an equivalent in Australia, but there is a big yellow and black swallowtail butterfly whose larvae eat citrus leaves. Unfortunately, what I am reading indicates than citrus pests don't attack Lemon Myrtle.
26 Jun, 2011