United Kingdom
I heard that tea leaves are good for the garden and plants. Could you please let me know what kind of plants will be benefited by that. Any particular kinds of flowering plants or the vegetable. I have 2-3 kg of unused tea leaves which is very old and lost its flavour.
27 Jun, 2011
If you are using leaf tea rather than tea bags you can put the leaves around just about any plant.
27 Jun, 2011
Excellent organic addition, which is also mildly insect repelling--I guess the caffeine gives them the jitters! : )
28 Jun, 2011
Even if you use tea bags its all good, I put my thumb through the t.bag first and pop them around any plant. The birds often shake the bags which saves me doing it!
28 Jun, 2011
If you use organic tea bags then the 'bag' itself is made of paper, a lot of others are not these days and don't rot down.
28 Jun, 2011
Previous question
I always mix mine with compost. My mum used to add tealeaves to the tops of plant pots - the Busy Lizzies etc seemed to like them. They tend to be neutral rather than Coffee that is acidic - so general use.
27 Jun, 2011