Can anyone identify this plant please?
Isle of Wight,
United Kingdom
This is a native British wild flower, I think. It is growing by the hedgerows at the moment and in some places it is flowering. I really love it and have never seen it before I moved to the Isle of Wight. if anyone could let me know what it is I would appreciate it as I have plans to naturalise it in a part of my garden. It has beautiful round to heart shaped leaves and the flowers are like little pinky white drumsticks.

26 Dec, 2008
Well, I have found this by doing what I usually do when someone posts a question on GoY, I looked on google and searched for UK wildflowers winter flowering, large circular leaves and came up with the answer
Winter Heliotrope (Petasites fragrans) was introduced to the UK in 1806 it is native to the Western Mediterranean area. (North Africa) so it isn't really a native to the British Isles but and alien, and I think a beautiful one.
Winter Heliotrope is also known as sweet-scented coltsfoot, or sweet coltsfoot.and is a member of the Aster family. (Asteraceae)
For more information, I found a lovely website about the western isles and this is the link to that site - copy and paste into your web browser
27 Dec, 2008
Andrea - only just back from Manchester, so I'm catching up. BEWARE of this plant. It turns into a real thug with deep. deep roots. rhizomes, and a nasty habit of popping up where you don't want it. It grows along the lanes here and there's some next door which is always invading my garden. Please, if you do decide to grow it, make sure it's contained so that it can't escape.
27 Dec, 2008
Thanks Spritz, yes I have been doing my own research on this plant and I have already said to my husband that I don't think I want to chance it, although I will look at planting it in aquatic tubs so it will stay moist but not invasive
27 Dec, 2008
Very wise! I tried digging it out - with no success, so I just get my long-bladed trowel and dig round each leaf now - the stem goes down to well over 6" let alone the roots!
28 Dec, 2008
Hi Andrea, hope you had a lovely Christmas, it is very pretty is'nt it, the leaves look just like the wild violet plants that i have in my garden, and the growing habit too, but the flowers are nothing like it. more like primula, it's not one i have seen before, i wonder if it is realted to either of the the two i have mentioned? i will keep an eye on this question as i would also love to know, hope someone reconises it for you.
27 Dec, 2008