have a very poorly money plant
United Kingdom
nearly lost all leaves well established 12 inches high thick stems some gone soft i still water and there is new shoots is upstairs in a bedroom not in direct sunlite
28 Dec, 2008
I've had my last money plant for over 12yrs now it is so big it is in a big garden pot, you only water every 6wks in winter & every 10days in summer, they like being in shade, i put mine outside between June & september, but not in full sun, make sure you are not over watering. they are the most easy plant to grow, even if you neglet them they still grow. If you have new shoots on it you could break them of and pot them up in no time you will have more money plants.
28 Dec, 2008
Also check in the compost for vine weevil grubs, they love these plants!
28 Dec, 2008
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« has anyone else seen bee's in their garden lately? i seen one christmas day...
Your poor money plant,
Keep doing what you have done, do not overfeed or water.
As the days get longer hopefuly it will recover.
28 Dec, 2008