By Aceracer
United Kingdom
I have a problem with my Acer Plants .
The foliage is curling up at the tops , what am I doing wrong .
30 Jun, 2011
My acer in the back garden has wind damage for the first time, Leave's are curling and crispy, then dropping, not all of them, it still looks amazing..We must of had more wind this year!
30 Jun, 2011
That is interesting. My acer has been in a sheltered position for 25 years, but this year all the leaves are turning brown and falling - it is almost bare now. It gets plenty of water. Could it be disease?
11 Jul, 2011
Some of mine are the same. Almost certainly it's not that you're doing anything wrong, except perhaps that you planted the acer in too exposed a place. Acer leaves are very tender and quickly show if the plant is suffering from lack of water. They also get wind burnt very easily - we've had a spell of hot and breezy weather - ideal for crisping up the edges of susceptible leaves. Round here it's not just the decorative acers that are suffering - the sycamores look very odd, with all the exposed leaves dead around the edges. Almost like autumn, but not quite. If the leaves are really scorched the tree may shed them and grow some more, smaller ones. That happened here last July.
30 Jun, 2011