United Kingdom
How best to store lifted narcissi bulbs? I have just unearthed these, Narcissi 'Jenny', a lovely form and quite expensive. Some I lifted and put in paper bags and placed in a cupboard a while ago. Since then they have shrunk somewhat. Will they store OK this way until the early autumn, time to replant them? Or will they dry out and dehydrate too much and so perish? I have a feeling that kept this way they could end up looking as dry as cyclamen corms do. Am I doing the right thing with them? (I expect it is the same with tulips but I am not storing any).

30 Jun, 2011
Hi Moon grower. I didn't have space for keeping them in the pots they were in. All the foliage died back completely. A once weekly liquid feed from when they finished flowering.
1 Jul, 2011
Ah well I am sure they will survive. Think of all the bulbs that sit in GCs for a month or more waiting to be bought - they are not at all in the right conditions.
1 Jul, 2011
Hi Jonathan well I would have left them in the ground or container but it is too late for that now. Keep them cool and dry and plant them in August. Hopefully you allowed the foliage to die back before you lifted them.
30 Jun, 2011