United Kingdom
I have a Dranunculus Vulgaris since March. It has grown and flowered. The flower is now dying and I am wondering what to do with it next. Should I cut the flower off and just leave it? Also in winter, can it withstand frost or does it need to go in the greenhouse?
Any tips welcome,
Thank you,
1 Jul, 2011
My offsets came through the winter well enough. They do dislike being wet over the winter though, so mine were "parked" in their pot right up against the wall of the house.
The leaves should have shown before the "flower", and I've always cut mine off once it is over.
1 Jul, 2011
Ah yes the dracnunculas shows it's leaes befoe the spath and the spadex -sauromatum does the opposite. It your 'flower' gets fertilised it will produce a wonderful seed head in autumn if you leave it alone and you will have seed to grow more plants. I'd still overwinter in a frost free green house or similar at around 5˚C
1 Jul, 2011
Thank you very much.
2 Jul, 2011
I don't think they are frost hardy the sauromatum venosum certainly isn't. I'd just let the whole flowerhead die back naturally then you will get some leaves appear later.
1 Jul, 2011