Germination Camelia seeds
By Adri
South Africa
I am living in Pretoria, South Africa. This year my Camelia had the most flowers than in the last 10 years, and also produced lovely seeds, looking like small apples, and getting bigger by the day. They are still green and I would like to know when I could take them of for planting, or do I wait untill they fall off? What kind of soil will be suitable? How deep must I plant them? Etc.
2 Jan, 2009
I have done this and the one resulting seedling is now about 3 years old and about 18 inches tall.
2 Jan, 2009
Thank you Arlene, I will try the seed propagation.
3 Jan, 2009
this is from the rhs
Camellia seed pod - photograph copyright RHSCamellias can be readily propagated by taking cuttings. In good summers seedpods can sometimes be produced by plants. Although the resulting seedlings will take 6-8 years to flower and be of unpredictable quality many gardeners like the challenges of seed propagation. So if you want to try seed propagation here's how:
Wait until the seedpod is ripe which will be indicated by it splitting open (usually late Oct - early Nov). Each seedpod can contain 2-3 seeds - only use the viable seed (these will be about pea-sized). Sow immediately into individual 9cm pots of ericaceous compost, water in with rainwater and place in a cold frame or against a wall in the shade. Seedlings should emerge in spring.
This is for propagation in the UK and you may find the germination different if your temperatures are higher!
good luck
2 Jan, 2009