By Lloydstag
United Kingdom
Our Canary Bird rose bush was about 9 years old and was beautiful in flower this year but has now died. Can anyone suggest why this should be.
3 Jul, 2011
May appear twice..I am new to this. After flowering (beautiful) the leaves started to turn brown until all the leaves were brown. The leaves turned brown from the bottom upwards and even though I cut out the dead branches as the bush `turned`the bush now appears totally dead. Thanks for reposonding.
5 Jul, 2011
If the leaves turned brown from the tips and edges in, it was probably either a severe drought, or root damage--perhaps from vine weevils, or other grubs? If the leaves turned brown from the veins out, it is more likely to be a toxin in the soil, such as soil sterilant migrating from a neighbors, or a detergent spill.
6 Jul, 2011
Many thanks Tugbrethil an excellent description which indicates that the drought we had in Spring was the cause.
7 Jul, 2011
What were the exact symptoms as it was going, Lloyd?
5 Jul, 2011