By Glorfear
United Kingdom
There are some fuschia bushes growing at the back of my garden. Can I take cuttings from these and when is the best time to do it. I have never grown anything from cuttings so could you please explain the process to me
3 Jul, 2011
Hi Glorfear!
The majority of Fuchsias are pretty easy to strike from cuttings.As it's in your garden I'm assuming it's a hardy cultivar, and now is as good a time as any to take cuttings. Virtually any piece of stem will take, but at this time of year 'tip' cuttings are best. Choose a stem that hasn't flowered, but is not too soft. With clean sharp secateurs snip off the tip just below the fourth pair of leaves. Carefully remove the lowest pair of leaves, dip the cutting in rooting hormone (I find the liquid form is best), then insert up to six cuttings round the edge of a 4" pot of good multipurpose compost. Water lightly. Cover with a polythene bag supported by 2 or 3 pieces of cane and place out of direct sunlight. Don't be tempted to tug at the cuttings to see if they're growing. Their appearance will tell you.
3 Jul, 2011
I always did it that way until joining GOY, but having seen on here that you can root them in water I tried it and it worked a treat!
3 Jul, 2011
I agree. Fuchsia cuttings can be rooted in water. I found the main drawback with this method however, is that the resultant roots are rather brittle and the cuttings were checked by their having to re-adapt to compost.
4 Jul, 2011
True. I had forgotten that. But the last lot I did were fine.
5 Jul, 2011
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Hi Glorfear and welcome to this friendly site. Fuchsias are quite easy to do, just take take a cutting from a none flowering tip just below a leave joint,you can either put them straight into a good compost or root them in water. I take them at any time, good luck. :o)
3 Jul, 2011