By Rogerturner
United Kingdom
I have harvested some Delphinium seeds, does anybody know how soon I can begin to cultivate them - they are nice and black - so I would guess ripe!?
5 Jul, 2011
Thanks peterpep, would you put them in the dark?
5 Jul, 2011
Hi Roger fill a seed tray with seed compost and 'gently' firm down. Sprinkle your seed over the top and cover lightly with a 1cm layer of compost or grit. Soak who seed tray for half an hour. Label! Set outside somewhere and forget about until autumn take a quick look to see if anything is germinating. Ignore again until next spring when you should see nice little delphiniums appearing. Pot on (up) as they get big enough and then out into the garden.
The alternative is to let the seed fall naturally in the garden and germinate there.
You do not need to cover with glass or place in the dark.
5 Jul, 2011
Thanks Moongrowe
I`ll have a go at that!
Funny I`ve grown Delphiniums off and on for years, but have never seen a seedling, perhaps we`ve cut the heads off too early to get a second coming.
Thanks, Roger
5 Jul, 2011
To allow the plant to seed naturally you just need to let the seed pods mature, pop open and plant their seed. If you have regularly dead headed your delphiniums then would not see any seedlings.
5 Jul, 2011
Thanks Moon growe..
We always deadhead.well nearly always!
Thanks Roger
8 Jul, 2011
I would sow them now and cover with glass till the
seedlings start to show .. they seem to be easy to germinate.
Better ways would be useful to know .. peterpep
5 Jul, 2011