By Lauraj
United Kingdom
Something has destroyed every last lupin plug. I recently bought a selection of plug plants which included 20 tiny lupins. All the other plug plants are thriving and i have protected them from slugs and they are all doing well. But every single Lupin has turned brown and shrivelled....
should I let the nursery know ? Could it be a specific problem. They seemed well when they arrived three weeks ago. They were on the greenhouse floor, in the coolest part and well watered. I seem cursed with lupins as I have never ever succeeded in growing them. Any answers for my mystery or advice if I decide to try again ?
5 Jul, 2011
Previous question
Yes. Contact the nursery, describe how you have cared for them and how you have cared for the other plug plants too that have been successful and see what they say.
Slugs and snails love young lupins but if you have excluded that one then see what the nursery have to offer.
5 Jul, 2011