By Marsham
United Kingdom
many thanks for the replies - any more advice would be welcome...
6 Jul, 2011
I came across your original question lower down the page today - as Tulsalady says, it would have been best to post this there. However, having read what you've said, the facts are you can do nothing about it - the Council has clearly already asked the owner of the vine to keep it in check from growing over into your garden as far as the topgrowth is concerned. The man next door is fully entitled to grow any plants he likes (other than noxious weeds or cannabis) and despite many of us feeling this plant is a noxious weed, it's not classed as such. Therefore, I suggest you keep a watching brief - if and when roots from it appear your side of the garden, treat them with SBK or similar - but only as long as they're on your side, not his. This treatment may kill his plant, but its unlikely, given that its a resilient vine, but it will kill off any invading roots on your side. Use the SBK with great care, not spilling it on the soil anywhere, and make cuts to expose the tissue inside any root you find and apply it to that, and cover with something afterwards.
6 Jul, 2011
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Hi Marshham, welcome to GOY. So that the people who left you replies to your question can see the thanks, go back to the question and leave your thanks on there,I hope this is of some help to you . :o)
6 Jul, 2011