By Slotty
United Kingdom
forgive me if this is not spelt correcly,but my hydranga is looking abit worse for wear what with all the cold weather and frost weve been getting.it has gone brown and the flower heads which were a lovely blue colour have gone brown as well.is it too late to de-head the brown flower heads any advice please.
9 Jan, 2009
Welcome back Barbara, but I don't know how you can shout with your bad flu.
You summed it up perfectly.
9 Jan, 2009
Well, Docbob, I did have a coughing fit after my 'yell'!
9 Jan, 2009
When growth begins in spring you can trim any shoots back to the topmost bud that is sprouting, but wait until May as late frosts can make a mess of it. I agree that the old flowers protect the buds. Try to appreciate the frost on them! Trim 1 or 2 older branches out right down to their base every year to encourage new shoots from low down ( the older shoots are paler and often flaky). Also, topdress with alluminium sulphate, marketed as hydrangea blueing stuff to keep the flowers coming blue, otherwise you will end up with a dreary pink flowered plant.
11 Jan, 2009
NO - NO!!! - leave them on! They do provide a little protection for the new buds on your Hydrangea. Don't cut the flower heads off until early spring when it's time to prune the shrub back to pairs of healthy buds.
Sorry if I shouted! I was concerned for the well-being of your Hydrangea!!! LOL.
9 Jan, 2009