By Funguy
United Kingdom
Climbing roses. I am looking for a dark red or crimson coloured rose. What variety tends to flower for the longest period? I have looked at Rosa 'Guinée' and Rosa 'Paul's Scarlet Climber' , i like the look of the flowers of the 'Guinee' more than the 'Paul's Scarlet Climber' '. But can anyone suggest any other cultivars that may be worth considering and also if possible a recommended grower(i have already looked at 'David Austin')
8 Jul, 2011
Hi bamboo, i couldn't find a Rosa Sympathie but it so happened i was in the garden centre last week and they took delivery of some David Austin roses, i picked a Tess d'urbervilles as the plant looked very healthy and had a good few buds on it. No flowers yet though.
6 Aug, 2011
You might have found it over the internet, but hopefully the one you've chosen will be a good performer - its not one I know.
6 Aug, 2011
Previous question
Rosa Sympathie, though its flowers are bright red rather than dark red. It's a Kordes rose, and as such, very disease resistant with healthy foliage, good repeat flowering from early summer through to early autumn. It's also fragrant, and will even grow happily on a north facing wall.
8 Jul, 2011