What is this?
By Mickeytong
Isle of Lewis,
United Kingdom
My father in Zimbabwe originally had this plant in his house then moved it outside as it grew....what is it?

10 Jan, 2009
hello again i would say this is R.hypophyllum, the info is as follows: Rhizomatous, clump-forming subshrub with upright shoots and ovate, poined dark green cladohyllis to 10cm long. female plants bear spherical red berries 1cm across, on the upper or lower side of the cladophylls, from late summer to winter. male and female flowers may be borne on the same plant 60cm high x 1m across, native to SE France, S.Spain, N. Africa, and Sicily, Be careful with it outside i think this would be more for the house or conservitory in the UK Micky, it has 2 * for hardyness in my book so it may be possible with protection. good luck.
11 Jan, 2009
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This looks very much like a type of Ruscus, in the floristy trade know as 'Wedding or Soft Ruscus' i'll Check this out in my book and come back to you with full name.
11 Jan, 2009