By Jodemagneval
United Kingdom
We have a couple of squash plants growing in our little veggie patch at home. One is a butternut and one is a table variety. The table squash is growing really well and getting lots of female flowers which i have pollenated and they look like they are turning into fruit but then the flower dies and the small fruit goes yellow and drops off.
I really am not sure what we are doing wrong and i hate seeing all these potential squashes dying off.
Has anyone got any suggestions as to what could be wrong and how to prevent this from continuing?
Many thanks
8 Jul, 2011
Previous question
What time of day did you pollinate them, Jode? Pollinating in the afternoon of the day they open may not be successful, and all the more so the following day. Otherwise, I would suspect wilting between waterings, though that takes extreme drought in the ground in the UK.
8 Jul, 2011